1.m has let her frankie game spin a little too far.
2.she made two new friends.
3.one of them ig going to change her bike wheels for her. she had a crush on him, and then realised the fourth time she saw him, he had a wedding ring on. bahahahahhaha. oh god.
4.fri was fun, too many tic tacs, much too many, lovely. a new friend named T. m and T greatly appreciated harps bro for the herrbs.twas delicious.
5.that old guy m use to see is moving to sydney. thank fuck, however somehow she is having dinner with him tuesday. apparently to 'smooth things over' pffff, oh jesus.
6.cobra anus sent m an email, he's coming back to melb, oh and he told her to 'get ready' BAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHABABHBAHHBABHAHBAHB douchee
7.m is about to get a new camera lens, yusss- she will take some more photos of the skateboarders outside the state library.
8.one of the chickens died last week. no, it was a good thing. maud and her mudda were talking about it, now there is only one of those motherfuckers to go and then they can clean out the dirrrtyass pen, so it doesnt smell of chicken anymore, and maud can open her window and actually get fresh air, as well as not having to be scared that they will sit up on her window still.
9.maud stewed pears last week. its pretty much her favourite dessert to eat. pears and cin.
10. above are some shhweet kicks.
11.college ball this wednesday. 12.TIS YOUR BDAY SOOOON! - and just you wait - mauddy has been thinking hard for wattle. 13.maudy is doing better. wattle would be proud of her. she had a big cry last week, - was storing that up for a while - and now feels fresher. 14.plus she sees the doc tomorrow so maybe some different flavoured tic tacs to stop the crazzzy. 15. m bought a killer chubaka ring. 16. latest obsession is olives, strawberries and english breakfast tea and always of course carrots. 17. when we were emailing friday night- i had been shhmmokking so was a little sloow harps thats why i was like whatt skyppe. 18.also trying to remember this thing i was going to saw to snob scrilla. remember, you were like willis whatchu doing, and then we were in the car with matt and i was like yeah i wanted to say _______ and matt was like WHHHHATT? you didnt did you? and i didnt know why you werent suppose to say it. 19. Seeing a south american film when you've had half an hours sleep and too much other things, isnt a good idea. you get tired reading the sub titles. however if its a film about maids- tis beautiful. 20. as a result of the film maud now wants to live in chile. love to my wattlle xxxxx
thankyou for the updates, i have missed both maud and harper on the blogging front. oh cobra dude emails you? wow!